Privacy policy

Protecting your privacy is crucial to us at PrivacySea. This document explains the kinds of information we gather and how we use it. Please contact us if you have any questions or need more details about our Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy focuses on our online activities and pertains to information collected from visitors to our website. It does not cover data collected from sources outside this website. Your privacy matters to us; we want you to know how we handle your information.


By using our website at, you agree to and follow the rules outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Information we collect

The personal information you are asked to provide and the reasons for doing so will be explained to you when you are asked to do so.

If you contact us directly, we can obtain additional information about you, such as your name, email address, phone number, the contents of any message and/or attachments you send us, and any other information you choose to provide.

We can ask for your contact information when you create an Account, such as your name, company name, address, email address, and phone number.

How we use your information

We use the data we gather in a variety of ways, including:

  • Provide, operate, and maintain our website
  • Improve, personalize, and expand our website
  • Recognize and evaluate how you use our website.
  • Create new products, services, features, and capabilities.
  • Interact with you directly or through one of our partners for various reasons, including customer support, website updates and other material, and marketing and promotional purposes.
  • Send you emails
  • Find and prevent fraud

Log Files

Log files are a regular thing when you visit websites. They basically keep track of who’s coming to the site. All hosting companies do this for analysis. These log files note details like IP addresses, the type of browser you’re using, your Internet Service Provider (ISP), when you visited, and where you went after. It might also count your clicks. Importantly, this info doesn’t link back to your personal details. We gather this data to study trends, run the website smoothly, track how users move around and understand who’s visiting us.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Privacysea, like every other website, uses ‘cookies.’ These cookies are used to save information such as visitor interests and which pages on the website they accessed or visited. We can enhance the user experience by customizing our web page content based on visitors’ browser type and/or other information.

Please read “What Are Cookies” for more general information on cookies. from Consent to Cookies

Google DoubleClick DART Cookie

As one of our third-party partners, Google uses DART cookies on our platform to tailor ads for our site users based on their visits to and other online platforms. If you prefer not to have DART cookies used, you can opt-out by visiting Google’s ad and content network Privacy Policy at this URL:”

Advertising Partners Privacy Policies

You will find the Privacy Policies for each of Privacysea’s advertisement partners in this list.

Third-party ad servers and networks utilize technologies like cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons in their ads that are directly delivered to users’ browsers. In this process, the IP address is promptly sent to them. Advertisers use these tools to assess the success of their ad campaigns and tailor the content they see on the websites they visit.

Please be aware that PrivacySea has no control or influence over these third-party cookies.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

Privacysea’s Privacy Policy does not cover such ads or blogs. As a result, we recommend that you read the Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more details. It may provide details about their operations as well as for instructions about how to opt out of them.

By modifying the settings in your browser, you can disable cookies. You can find more detailed details about cookie management on the websites of the different web browsers.

CCPA Privacy Rights (Please do not sell my data)

Consumers in California have the right, among other things, under the CCPA to:

Request that a business that collects a consumer’s data disclose the categories and specific pieces of data it has collected.

Request that a company delete all personal information about a customer it has acquired.

Request that a business that sells a customer’s details refrain from doing so.

If you submit a request, you will receive a response within one month. Please contact us if you wish to exercise any of these rights.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

We want to make sure you understand your data privacy rights fully. Any consumer has the following rights:

The right to access information – You have the right to a copy of your personal information. For this service, we will charge you a small fee.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that any information that you feel is incorrect be corrected. You can also ask us to fill in any information gaps you believe exist.

The right to be forgotten – You can request that we remove your data in some situations.

The right to limit processing – Under certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your data.

The right to data portability – You can suggest that we send the data we’ve collected to another organization or directly to you under some situations.

If you submit any request in this regard, you will receive a response within one month. If you wish to exercise any of these privileges, please contact us.

Children’s Information

Ensuring online safety for kids is crucial for us. Parents and guardians play a key role by actively watching, participating in, monitoring, and guiding their children’s internet activities.

PrivacySea strictly avoids collecting personal information from children under thirteen without their consent. If you believe your child has shared such information on our website, please contact us promptly. We’ll ensure its immediate removal from our records. Your child’s privacy is our priority.